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Chamber Reply Comments to the FCC for the Report on the Future of the Universal Service Fund

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State AI Activity in 2021

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SB 78: Technology, Alabama Council on Advanced Technology, estab., to advise Governor and Legislature, members, duties

  • Topic: Advisory Committee
  • Sponsor(s): Sen. Jabo Waggoner
  • Committee(s): N/A
  • Status: Law

Establishes the Alabama Council on Advanced Technology and Artificial Intelligence to review and advise the Governor, the Legislature, and other interested parties on the use and development of advanced technology and artificial intelligence in the state of Alabama.

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SB 113 / HB 485: Artificial intelligence, limit the use of facial recognition, to ensure artificial intelligence is not the only basis for arrest

  • Topic: Facial Recongition / AI / Law Enforcement
  • Sponsor(s): Sen. Arthur Orr / Rep. Roderick Scott
  • Committee(s): Judicary
  • Status: Active

Prohibits state or local law enforcement from using facial recognition match results as the sole basis for making an arrest or for establishing cause in a criminal investigation.

AB 13: Public contracts: automated decision systems

  • Topic: Regulatory
  • Sponsor(s): Asm. Edwin Chau
  • Committee(s): Judicary Committee
  • Status: Held under submission

This bill would enact the Automated Decision Systems Accountability Act and state the intent of the Legislature that state agencies use an acquisition method that minimizes the risk of adverse and discriminatory impacts resulting from the design and application of automated decision systems. The bill would define “automated decision system” to mean a computational process, including one derived from machine learning, statistical modeling, data analytics, or artificial intelligence, that issues simplified output, including a score, classification, or recommendation, that is used to support substantially assist or replace human discretionary decisionmaking and materially impacts natural persons.

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SB 169: Restrict Insurers' Use Of External Consumer Data

  • Topic: Regulatory
  • Sponsor(s): Sen. Janet Buckner
  • Committee(s): Business, Labor and Technology
  • Status: Law

Prohibits the use of data and information sources, as well as algorithms and predictive models using external consumer data and information sources, which use has the result of unfairly discriminating based on race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity, or gender expression. The legislation requires insurance companies to provde that models do not demonstrate that such use does not result in, unfair discrimintaiton.

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: Stop Discrimination by Algorithms Act of 2021

  • Topic: Regulatory
  • Sponsor(s):
  • Committee(s):
  • Status: Active

Prohibits users of algorithmic decision-making from utilizing algorithmic eligibility determinates in a discreimnatory manner. Requres corresponding notices to individuals whose personal information is used.

HB 454: Relating to Taxation

  • Topic: Tax incentives
  • Sponsor(s): Rep. Sam Kong
  • Committee(s): Referred to House Committee on Economic Development, House Committee on Consumer Protection & Commerce, House Committee on Finance, referral sheet
  • Status: Active

Establishes an income tax credit for investment in qualified businesses that develop cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.

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HB645 / SB 2481: An Act relating to the department of public safety and unsolved criminal investigations.

  • Topic: Future of Work Task Force
  • Sponsor(s): Rep. Marcus Evans / Sen. Ram Villvalam
  • Committee(s): N/A
  • Status: Law

Futture of work task force to reivew automation and the rise of artificial intelligence and predictive analytics, and the major impacts on industries and peoples jobs; from the service sector to white collar positions, the impacts will be felt by millions of workers in the United States.


  • Topic: Economic Incentive Pilot Program for AI
  • Sponsor(s): Sen. Christopher Belt
  • Committee(s): Rules Committee
  • Status: Active

Creates the Innovation, Automation, and Structural Pilot Program to be implemented and administered by the Department of Commerce. The Program shall promote innovation through the combinedapplication of technology, artificial intelligence,automation, and distributive generation. The Program shall also support economic development projects in Illinois that offer the unique on-site distributive generation design combined with automation and artificial intelligence set19 against a commercial and industrial building envelope. (b) To qualify for the Program, an economic development project must provide the following: (1) a copy of a planned economic or redevelopment agreement between the entity and local government

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HB 3026: Survillance Admin Law

  • Topic: Facial Recongition / AI / Law Enforcement
  • Sponsor(s): Rep. Keith Wheeler (R-IL-50)
  • Committee(s): Rules Committee
  • Status: Active

Prohibits the placement of electronic monitoring devices without explicit statutory action by the State of Illinois setting forth the need for the placement of an electronic monitoring device. Amends the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. Provides that any discretionary power exercised by an agency under the Act shall be exercised in conformity with the Surveillance Administrative Law Act. Defines terms. Provides legislative intent. Effective immediately.

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HB 658 / SB 444: Transforming Manufacturing in a Digital Economy Workgroup (Making It in Maryland)

  • Topic: Future of Work Task Force
  • Sponsor(s): Del. Lily Qi (D-MD-15) / Sen. Chris West (R-MD-42)
  • Committee(s): N/A
  • Status: Law

Establishing the Workgroup to Study the Transformation of Manufacturing in Maryland's Emerging Digital Economy; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Workgroup; requiring the Workgroup to study and make recommendations regarding certain matters relating to the State's current and future workforce and emerging digital economy; requiring the Workgroup to submit an interim report and a final report to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2021, and December 1, 2022, respectively.

HB 1082 / SB 863: Vehicle Laws Enforcement and Use of Real Time Digital Spotters

  • Topic: Using AI to monitor traffic violations
  • Sponsor(s): Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher (D-MD-18) / Del. Lesley Lopez (D-MD-39)
  • Committee(s):
  • Status: Active

Allowing the use of AI to detect and enforce certain violation of the Maryland Vehicle law.

HB 1323: Algorithmic Decision Systems Procurement and Discriminatory Acts

  • Topic: Regulatory / State Procurment
  • Sponsor(s): Del. Terri Lynn Hill (D-MD-12)
  • Committee(s):
  • Status: Active

Requiring a State unit to purchase a product or service that is or contains an algorithmic decision system that adheres to responsible artificial intelligence standards; specifying content included in responsible artificial intelligence standards as avoidance of harm, commitment to transparency and fairness, and an evaluation of the system's impact and potential risks; and altering the definition of "discriminatory act" used in certain provisions of human relations law to include acts performed through algorithmic decision systems.

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HB 4029: An Act relative to algorithmic accountability and bias prevention

  • Topic: Regulatory
  • Sponsor(s): Rep. David Henry Argoskey LeBoeuf
  • Committee(s):
  • Status: Active

Any entity that has greater than $50 million in average annual gross reciepts, posses or controls personal informaiton on more than a million customers or 1,000 devices, or a data broker will have to conduct automated decision system impact assesment.

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HD 1750 / HB 119 / SB 60: An Act establishing a commission on automated decision-making by government in the commonwealth

  • Topic: Commission on Algorithm Accountability
  • Sponsor(s): Rep. Sean Garballey (D-MA-Middlesex-8-23)
  • Committee(s): Referred to the committee on Advanced Information Technology, the Internet and Cybersecurity
  • Status: Active

Convene a commission of experts to study the use and potential bias of computer-aided government decision-making on matters from criminal justice to child welfare.

HD 3847 / HB 136: An Act Relative to data privacy

  • Topic: State data privacy bill with algorithm accoutability act included
  • Sponsor(s): By Messrs. Rogers of Cambridge and Vargas of Haverhil
  • Committee(s): Referred to the committee on Advanced Information Technology, the Internet and Cybersecurity
  • Status: Active

Requries impact assesments and audits of automated decision systems to advance fair and just data practices.

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  • Topic: Education
  • Sponsor(s): Sen. Scott DeLano (R-MS-50) / Rep. Kevin Felsher (R-MS-117)
  • Committee(s): N/A
  • Status: Law

Sate Department of Education is requried to implament a mandatory K-12 computer sicence cirriculum which includes the area of Artificial Initelligence

HB 1254: Establishes the Missouri Technology Task Force

  • Topic: Task Force
  • Sponsor(s): Rep. Louis Riggs (R-MO-5)
  • Committee(s): Referred: Rules - Legislative Oversight(H)
  • Status: Active

Creation of a state taskforce to evaluate the condition of the state's current technology platform, and review cloud and AI to improve the state's technological foundation and custiomer service.

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SB 110: Revises provisions relating to businesses engaged in the development of emerging technologies.

  • Topic: Advisory Committee
  • Sponsor(s): Sen. Patricia Spearman (D-NV-1)
  • Committee(s):
  • Status: N/a

AN ACT relating to technology; creating the Emerging Technologies Task Force within the Department of Business and Industry; prescribing the membership, powers and duties of the Task Force; authorizing the Director of the Department to create an Opportunity Center for Emerging Technology Businesses as part of the Office of Business Finance and Planning of the Department; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

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S 6701 / A 680: Relates to enacting the NY privacy act

  • Topic: Regulatory
  • Sponsor(s): Sen. Kevin Thomas (D-NY-6) / Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal (D-NY-67)
  • Committee(s): Judicary Committee
  • Status: In Committee

Enacts the NY privacy act to require companies to disclose their methods of de-identifying personal information, to place special safeguards around data sharing and to allow consumers to obtain the names of all entities with whom their information is shared. States that Algorithms quietly make decisions with critical consequences for New York consumers, often with no human accountability. Behavioral advertising generates profits by turning people into products and their activity into assets. New York consumers deserve more notice and more control over their data and their digital privacy. "Meaningful human review" means review or oversight by one or more individuals who (a) are trained in the capabilities and limitations of the algorithm at issue and the procedures to interpret and act on th output of the algorithm, and (b) have the authority to alter the auto-mated decision under review.

A 6758: Relates to requiring advertisements to disclose the use of synthetic media

  • Topic: Regulatory
  • Sponsor(s): Asm. Linda B Rosenthal
  • Committee(s): Consumer Affairs and Protection
  • Status: In Committee

Requires advertisements to disclose the use of synthetic media; imposes a $1,000 civil penalty for a first violation and a $5,000 penalty for any subsequent violation.

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A 2642: Relates to classroom safety mechanisms, emergency medical equipment, and evidence-based best practices for school safety planning and training

  • Topic: Law Enforcment / Education
  • Sponsor(s): Asm. Hyndman
  • Committee(s): Education Committee
  • Status: In Committee

School administrators, in consultation with the local police department, shall install security cameras supported by artificial intelligence and be installed where appropriate.

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A 2414: Establishes the commission on the future of work

  • Topic: Commission
  • Sponsor(s): Asm. Stern
  • Committee(s): In Committee
  • Status: Labor Committee

Development of a commission to review changes and distrubtions within the workforce. This includes the implementation of AI, to update planning around education and prepare New York state residents for the future of work.

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Int. No. 1894-A*: A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to automated employment decision tools

  • Topic: Regulatory
  • Sponsor(s): By Council Members Cumbo
  • Committee(s): N/A
  • Status: Law

Requires companies that sell AI hiring and promotion software to conduct third party audits of their technology to ensure it does not discriminate against protected classes. *New York City law

H 937: Automatic Police Body Cam Analysis

  • Topic: Law Enforcement
  • Sponsor(s): Rep. Kelly Alexander Jr. (D-NC-107)
  • Committee(s): Rules Committee
  • Status: Active

Automatically Scan and Flag Body-Worn Camera Recordings Using Natural Language Processing Technologies. – Body-worn camera recordings shall be searchable using artificial intelligence in order to allow automated reviews to take place and body-worn camera analytics to be created.

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S 600: Study Automation and the Workforce

  • Topic: Advisory Committee on the Workforce
  • Sponsor(s): Sen. DeAndrea Salvador (D-NC-39)
  • Committee(s): Rules committee
  • Status: Active

The Committee shall serve as a study and advise committee on the effects of automation on the State's workforce, with a special emphasis on low-income and minority workers. The Committee shall review all of the following issues: (1) The current and potential future impact of the following automation echnologies on the State's low-income workforce: a. Artificial intelligence. b. Industrial robotics. c. Technologies that help customers serve themselves without the assistance of a human worker. d. Word processing software, spreadsheet software, and other software or cloud computing services that reduce or eliminate the need for a human worker.

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SB875 / HB 214: An Act to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 11, Chapter 4; Title 43; Title 44; Title 49 and Title 67, relative to agriculture.

  • Topic: Advisory task force
  • Sponsor(s): Sen. John Stevens/ Rep. Curtis Halforc
  • Committee(s): Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee
  • Status:

Creates an advisory task force of farmers and foresters to lead a strategic planning process and resulting implementation plan to position this state as a leading hub for agtech and value-added agriculture

HB 3892: Relating to matters concerning governmental entities, including cybersecurity, governmental efficiencies, information resources, and emergency planning.

  • Topic: Study
  • Sponsor(s): Rep. Giovanni Capriglione (R-TX-98)
  • Committee(s): State Affairs Committee
  • Status: Active

The following legislation will require a study on the use of Artificial Intelligence for signature verfication.

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H429: An act relating to establishing an advisory group to address bias in State-used software

  • Topic: Advisory Committee
  • Sponsor(s): Rep. John Gannon (D-VT-92)
  • Committee(s): Technology Committee
  • Status: Active

This bill proposes to establish an advisory committee to address bias in software programs used by the State. The duties of the committee shall include the creation of anti-bias standards for any software used by the State of Vermont. An act relating to establishing an advisory group to address bias in State- used software

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H410: An act relating to the creation of the Artificial Intelligence Commission

  • Topic: AI Commission
  • Sponsor(s): Rep. Brian Cina (O-VT-29)
  • Committee(s): Committee on Energy and Technology
  • Status: Active

This bill proposes to create the Artificial Intelligence Commission to support the ethical use and development of artificial intelligence in the State.

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H263: An act relating to State development, use, and procurement of automated decision systems

  • Topic: Regulatory
  • Sponsor(s): Rep. Brian Cina (O-VT-29)
  • Committee(s): Committee on Energy and Technology
  • Status: Active

This bill proposes to require the Secretary of Digital Services to conduct a review and inventory of all automated decision systems that are developed, used, or procured by the State; the Secretary of Digital Services to adopt standards and practices on the development, use, and procurement of automated decision systems by the State; and any discrimination by an automated decision system to be deemed as an unfair practice.

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HB 1319: House Bill: HB1319 (2021)

  • Topic: Education/Workforce
  • Sponsor(s): Del. Lashrecse Aird (D-VA-63)
  • Committee(s): Education Committee
  • Status: Active

The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia shall collaborate with comprehensive community colleges to establish a professional development and training program for state instructional and information technology staff to obtain industry certification in cloud computing and data services technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

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HB 1433: Washington People’s Privacy Act (WPPA)

  • Topic: Regulatory
  • Sponsor(s): Rep. Shelley Kloba (D-WA-1)
  • Committee(s): Committee of Civil Rights & Judicary
  • Status: Active

For a covered entity or Washington governmental entity to operate, install, or commission the operation or installation of equipment incorporating artificial intelligence-enabled profiling in any place of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, or amusement, as defined in RCW 49.60.040, or to use artificial intelligence-enabled profiling to make decisions that produce legal effects or similarly significant effects concerning individuals. Decisions that include legal effects or similarly significant effects concerning consumers include, without limitation, denial or degradation of consequential services or support, such as financial or lending services, housing, insurance, educational enrollment, criminal justice, employment opportunities, health care services, and access to basic necessities, such as food and water.

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