
August 03, 2022


Washington, D.C. – During a virtual event released today, the Protecting Americans’ Coverage Together (PACT) campaign highlighted new findings on the value and importance of employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI).

PACT is a campaign representing America’s leading employers focused on strengthening the ESI system and protecting the coverage and benefits that families depend on for their health and wellbeing. Its members include the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable, The National Association of Manufacturers, Council for Affordable Health Coverage, and Vermeer Corporation.

In support of the PACT campaign, the U.S. Chamber recently commissioned Avalere Health to estimate the return on investment (ROI) ESI provides employers with 100 or more employees. The report found a +47% ROI for employers with 100+ employees that offer ESI to their workforce. Pointing to the importance of quality coverage, Avalere found that employers that invest more in their health benefits see the biggest return on that investment.

ESI serves as the backbone of the American healthcare system and essential to ensuring a healthy workforce. During the discussion released today, PACT members explored worker productivity, the quality of care, retention and recruitment, as well as the overall value generated by ESI for employers and employees alike.

The full recorded conversation can be viewed here .

At the event, participants from PACT member organizations offered the following comments on the importance of ESI:

“Employees, healthcare providers, and communities benefit from ESI, and business also benefits significantly with a 47% return on investment in 2022, “ said Katie Mahoney, Vice President, Health Policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

“Studies show health coverage is a critical benefit for both employers and employees. The Council for Affordable Health Coverage supports expanding employer-sponsored health care to include more Americans, creating a stronger economy and healthier workforce,” said Joel White, President of the Council for Affordable Health Coverage.

“Approximately 99% of NAM member companies offer health benefits to attract and retain talent, to maintain a healthy workforce and because they believe it is the right thing to do for their employees,” said Robyn Boerstling, Vice President, Infrastructure, Innovation and Human Resources Policy at the National Association of Manufacturers.

“Business Roundtable CEOs are committed to making sure our more than 20 million employees and their families have access to affordable, quality health care, which is why it is critical we bolster employer-sponsored coverage,” said Corey Astill, Vice President, Health and Retirement, Smart Regulation at Business Roundtable.

“As a global company, knowing our team members and the communities they come from gives us the advantage of providing access to quality, affordable care to our team and their families,” said Teresa Hovell, Benefits Manager at Vermeer Corporation.