
October 13, 2021


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Protecting Americans’ Coverage Together (PACT) – a campaign aimed at strengthening support for the private employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI) that millions of Americans rely on for their health – announced Business Roundtable, Council for Affordable Health Coverage, The National Association of Manufacturers, and Vermeer Corporation as new members.

“We are thrilled to welcome BRT, the NAM, CAHC and Vermeer as PACT members. Together, our organizations represent millions of Americans who value their employer-sponsored health coverage and want to see it protected for years to come,” said Katie Mahoney, Vice President, Health Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “At a time when dangerous health policy proposals threaten to dismantle employer-sponsored health coverage, the PACT campaign is working to ensure the business voice is heard in supporting and protecting the coverage millions depend on and raising awareness of dangerous threats posed by efforts to expand government programs that would result in fewer choices of coverage options and tax increases for consumers.”

PACT was initially launched in August 2020 by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to bring together the voices of the business community around meaningful reforms that would reinforce the benefits of the current employer-sponsored health system rather than resorting to highly disruptive changes that would undermine health coverage for millions of Americans and their families. And now, as members of Congress are exploring dangerous policy proposals and ways to legislatively construct a new government health program that will reduce choice, increase costs and result in less value and flexibility, the business community stands together in opposition to further government encroachment into health care. 

Employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) provides robust, affordable coverage for 180 million families and retirees, including broad provider networks which offer access to leading hospitals, academic medical centers and a variety of health care professionals. Recently, Congress recognized the critical role of the ESI program during the current COVID-19 public health crisis by providing funding support and assistance so American workers could maintain their employer-sponsored health coverage.  

“Business Roundtable members provide health coverage to tens of millions of Americans and are deeply committed to ensuring the long-term stability of the nation’s health system in a way that promotes value, access, and equity,” said Corey Astill, Vice President, Health Care and Retirement, Business Roundtable. “Efforts to expand health coverage to the uninsured should focus on targeted improvements to the private insurance market and not put the coverage that most Americans rely on at risk.” 

While state and federal policymakers have looked to expand access to health care, several recent proposals, including Medicare buy-in, Medicare for All and public option, would dramatically undermine the private-sector coverage and current benefits. Expanding these government programs would likely result in significant tax increases for consumers and fewer choices when it comes to coverage options and benefits.

“Most people get their health coverage from their job and like the affordability and convenience this coverage provides, and many employers are seeking to add new benefits to attract and retain talent. It is baffling the Washington elite are contemplating risky schemes like a Medicare Buy-In or public option that would harm employer efforts to provide coverage to employees, destabilize private markets, and harm Medicare’s fiscal solvency,” said Joel White, President, Council for Affordable Health Coverage. “Congress and the Biden administration should instead focus on expanding support for small businesses struggling with health costs through market reforms and tax incentives that lower premiums for everyone, but especially those businesses hit hard by COVID.”

“Manufacturers are committed to providing quality, affordable health care to their employees and during a time of robust economic recovery and growth, highly disruptive changes that add costs and burdens cannot go unchecked,” said Robyn Boerstling, VP, Infrastructure, Innovation and Human Resources, National Association of Manufacturers.

Through research and advocacy efforts, PACT promotes the benefits of fostering a strong and robust ESI program, one that has the ability to meet the unique needs of individuals and provide essential coverage to Americans close to retirement. 

“The flexibility of ESI allows our company to tailor health care benefits to our unique workforce, which is highly valued by our employees and is critical to our recruitment and retention efforts,” said Teresa Hovell, Benefits Manager, Vermeer Corporation. “We can’t afford to jeopardize the quality and affordability of employee health coverage, especially in a job market still reeling from the pandemic.”