201207 s 1811 wrda2020 congress


December 07, 2020


Dear Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader McConnell, Minority Leader McCarthy, and Democratic Leader Schumer:

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce urges a vote on S. 1811, the “Water Resources Development Act of 2020,” and we strongly support its final passage.

This bipartisan legislation would ensure that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is able to continue its vital Civil Works programs, including navigation, flood risk management, recreation, infrastructure, and environmental stewardship. This bill would also authorize 46 new Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works projects and would continue Congress’ past commitment to authorize new water infrastructure projects every two years.

Also incorporated are important provisions to ensure improved resiliency for new Corps projects, and the Chamber applauds provisions to encourage full use of cargo user revenues in the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund for much needed maintenance and improvements.

We urge swift consideration and passage of this important legislation.


Neil L. Bradley

201207 s 1811 wrda2020 congress