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Tax Policy

The Chamber continues to fight for a streamlined tax system allowing taxpayers to make smarter decisions about how they work, save, and invest, and unleashing the power of American businesses—large and small—to create jobs

The Chamber continues to fight for a streamlined tax system allowing taxpayers to make smarter decisions about how they work, save, and invest, and unleashing the power of American businesses—large and small—to create jobs

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Tax Policy

  • Advocate for continued pro-growth tax policies in relevant tax legislation (e.g., tax extenders, technical corrections bills). 
  • Continue to work with the administration on regulations and other guidance to implement the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. 
  • Continue to work with the administration, Congress, foreign governments, and governing organizations to achieve a multilateral consensus on the taxation of the digital economy. 
  • Prevent rollback of any parts of the pro-growth tax reform bill enacted in 2017. 
  • Oppose anti-growth tax policy proposals.

Economic Policy 

  • Continue to defend the importance of central bank independence for sound, pro-growth monetary policy. 
  • Continue to advocate for responsible fiscal policy, including entitlement reform, deficit reduction, and debt management.

Economic Development 

  • Advocate for effective implementation and utilization of Opportunity Zones and similar economic development programs. 

Pursuing Pro-Growth Tax Policy

Maintaining and improving pro-growth tax policy next year, when the largest automatic tax increase in history is set to occur, will ensure the U.S. is globally competitive, retaining and attracting businesses, jobs, investment, and innovation here at home.

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