200226 h r 2438 notinvisibleact housejudiciary 002


February 26, 2020


Dear Chairman Nadler and Ranking Member Collins :

The U.S. Chamber of Co mmerce supports H.R. 2438 , the “Not Invisible Act of 2019,”
which the Committee is expected to mark up on February 26 . This bill would enhance the ability
of tribal communities and t he federal government to combat human trafficking of Native
Americans and Alaska Natives.

The Not Invisible Act would establish an advisory committe e on human trafficking
composed of law enforcement, tribal leaders , Indian advocacy organizations , and service
providers to make recommendations to the U.S. D epartment of the Interior and U.S. Department
of Justice on c ombating hum an trafficking among native population s. It would also create a
Human Traffic king Prevention Coordinator in the Bureau of Indian Affairs to coordinate huma n
trafficking prevention across federal agencies.

This bill emphasize s a government com mitment to partner with service providers, victim
advocates, and local law enforcement to g ain a better understanding of how human trafficking
affects Na tive American s and Alaska Natives . The advisory committee’s policy
recommenda tions , in conjunction with the Human Trafficking Pre vention Coordinator , would
highlight best practices and focus on prevention and recovery .

The Not Invisible Ac t is a positive step towards eradicating human traf ficking . The
Chamber urges the members of your Committee to support this bill and looks forward to
working with you as the bill advances through the legislative process .


Neil L. Bradley

cc: Members of the Committee on the Judiciary

200226 h r 2438 notinvisibleact housejudiciary 002