200226 h r 2438 notinvisibleact housejudiciary


February 26, 2020


Dear Chairman Nadler and Ranking Member Collins:

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports H.R. 2438, the “Not Invisible Act of 2019,” which the Committee is expected to mark up on February 26. This bill would enhance the ability of tribal communities and the federal government to combat human trafficking of Native Americans and Alaska Natives.

The Not Invisible Act would establish an advisory committee on human trafficking composed of law enforcement, tribal leaders, Indian advocacy organizations, and service providers to make recommendations to the U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Department of Justice on combating human trafficking among native populations. It would also create a Human Trafficking Prevention Coordinator in the Bureau of Indian Affairs to coordinate human trafficking prevention across federal agencies.

This bill emphasizes a government commitment to partner with service providers, victim advocates, and local law enforcement to gain a better understanding of how human trafficking affects Native Americans and Alaska Natives. The advisory committee’s policy recommendations, in conjunction with the Human Trafficking Prevention Coordinator, would highlight best practices and focus on prevention and recovery.

The Not Invisible Act is a positive step towards eradicating human trafficking. The Chamber urges the members of your Committee to support this bill and looks forward to working with you as the bill advances through the legislative process.


Neil L. Bradley

cc: Members of the Committee on the Judiciary

200226 h r 2438 notinvisibleact housejudiciary